Tag: Indian Classical Music

Artist of the Month- Vidushi Dr. Kamla Shankar

Announcement: We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt welcome to Vidushi Dr. Kamala Shankar, Our Kamala didi, as she graciously joins the distinguished panel of our Cultural Advisory Board at Veena Venu Art Foundation. With heartfelt joy and gratitude, we welcome her aboard, eagerly, anticipating the remarkable impact of her contributions. As we persist in our noble pursuit to honour…

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Veena Venu Art Foundation Revolutionizes Music Education with Trailblazing Approach, Championed by Dr. Radhika Veenasadhika

In a momentous leap forward, Veena Venu Art Foundation unveils a groundbreaking initiative that promises to redefine the landscape of music education not just within India but on a global scale. Spearheaded by the visionary Dr. Radhika Veenasadhika, this transformative endeavor introduces an innovative and meticulously crafted methodology that seamlessly integrates storytelling, characters, and cartoons into educational materials, ushering in…

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Importance of Breathing in Indian Classical Singing

Breathing is essential for all singing, but it is especially important in Indian classical music. Indian classical music is a complex and demanding tradition that requires precise breath control and support. Here are some of the reasons why breathing is so important in Indian classical music: Lung capacity: Indian classical music often features long, sustained notes and phrases. To sing these…

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Unmasking the Scam: Superficial Teaching of Raags and Songs in Music !

Introduction: Prepare to have your eyes opened to a distressing reality lurking within the realm of Indian classical music. A cunning scam has emerged, deceiving students into learning raags and songs without truly grasping the foundational principles and depth of this revered art form. Brace yourself as we uncover the consequences that unfold when individuals succumb to this fraudulent approach,…

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