Veena Venu TV

Veena Venu TV:

Our multimedia odyssey extends to the prestigious Veena Venu TV, a digital platform where artistry and inspiration converge. Through programs such as “Baalrang” and “Kalarang,” we aspire to ignite the flames of passion among the aspirants of Indian classical music, while simultaneously rendering a heartfelt tribute to the luminous contributions of distinguished artists. Veena Venu TV, hosted on the YouTube platform, serves as a sanctuary of sonic and visual treasures, encapsulating the quintessence of Indian classical music and all other forms of Indian Music.

The Veena Venu Art Foundation, fortified by its unwavering dedication, invites you to partake in an extraordinary journey of discovery, conservation, and celebration. As stewards of an ageless tradition, we are honored to guide and inspire, recognizing that the resonance of music is eternal, and its influence transcends the boundaries of time and space. Join us in our endeavor to elevate, elucidate, and perpetuate the soulful symphony of Indian music and culture.